Dragon medical cost
Dragon medical cost

Don't start an attack with Electro Dragons in an corner of a base as they may be split up and taken out, resulting in a defeat or poor attack.To combat this, a Haste Spell can be used to quickly move the Electro Dragons back into attack range and attack before the Air Sweeper fires again, or a Freeze Spell can be used on the Sweeper to stop it from firing at all (though this is often situational, as Freeze Spells are often better used on more threatening defenses such as single-target Inferno Towers). An Air Sweeper can stall Electro Dragons indefinitely due to their slow fire rate and slow movement speed, especially if the Air Sweeper is high-leveled.Note that the spell's effect only applies if the Electro Dragon is within the spell's AOE. They can destroy most buildings in one hit, and even instantly kill Archer Queens alone this way (up to level 71). The Rage Spell and Electro Dragon make a good combo, as they can greatly amplify its already high damage.Heroes (especially the Barbarian King) can tank and funnel for the Electro Dragons, though one should be wary of triggering ground-only Clan Castle troops when using any Hero that isn't the Grand Warden in air mode, as they can distract the Electro Dragons.If you have any extra space, you can add in some Balloons to tank for some Traps that may be set off. Although the Healers will use space that would otherwise go to 2 or 3 Electro Dragons, this can be offset by using the walk to eliminate weaknesses for Electro Dragons, such as Air Defenses and/or Air Sweepers. A Queen Walk can be used with Electro Dragons by using 4-5 Healers to as many Electro Dragons as possible (also called "Electro Queen").Be sure to include some Rage, Clone and Haste Spells to support the push. You can also use a strategy called "Electro Surgery" (from the Practice Mode) by using as many Electro Dragons as possible and filling the rest of the space with Balloons. They can also help funnel for the Electro Dragons to enter the core of the base.

dragon medical cost

It is helpful to send in air units (such as Balloons) before the Electro Dragons to trigger any Seeking Air Mines that might ambush your army early. Seeking Air Mines will significantly damage your Electro Dragons.Electro Dragons work well with the Grand Warden in air mode as he can boost their health and support them.


Electro Dragons are very effective against bases with clustered buildings, because it can make full usage of its chain damage.

dragon medical cost

They can act as flying Bowlers (taking more space but with superior health, damage and a different hit mechanic) as they can hit multiple targets at once and help funnel in attacks. However, its high damage and chain ability significantly increases its practical reach.

  • When destroyed, the Electro Dragon causes the nearby ground to be struck randomly with lightning bolts, in a similar fashion to the Lightning Spell prior to its rework in 2020.
  • Thus, it chains through buildings with most hitpoints near the primary or previous target while ignoring low hitpoint buildings to make full use of its chain damage. If the closest targets are equidistant from the previous target, the one with highest (maximum) hitpoints is chosen.
  • The targets of the Electro Dragon's chain lightning are determined by distance, with hitpoints as a tiebreaker to determine the next target, the target that is closest to the previous target and that has not yet been hit is chosen.
  • In order for the lightning to chain onto another target, it must be sufficiently close to the previous target.
  • The Electro Dragon attacks with chain lightning, capable of hitting up to 4 other targets after the initial hit, with each successive hit inflicting 20% less damage than the previous one.
  • Once all of the nearby enemy troops are defeated, the Electro Dragons will proceed to attack the nearest structure.

    dragon medical cost

    However, once they become aware of enemy Clan Castle troops, Heroes, or Skeleton Trap skeletons (either by being attacked themselves or by being near another friendly troop under attack), they will leave their previously targeted building and instead engage the enemy troops.

  • Electro Dragons have no preferred target when attacking they will simply attack the closest building.
  • They are powerful air units with mediocre health and high damage.

    dragon medical cost

    The Electro Dragon is the 13th troop unlocked in the Barracks.When vanquished, the Electro Dragon even pummels the ground with lightning strikes!" "Possessing iron-tough scales and a breath of devastating lightning, the Electro Dragon's favorite thing is raining destruction from above.

    Dragon medical cost